It’s absolute chaos!
Follow along with our antics, photos, events and news.
Meet Blondie!
Posted on Sep 11, 2014
Kayla: “Blondie”- Kayla is the newest member of our Chaos Family. She reigns from Seymour, WI where she grew up. Fun fact: Tobin has been doing Kayla’s hair since she was 9 yrs old. This little spitfire grew up in Tobin’s chair and is now working next to it! Since she started with us, she has been rocking it. Absolutely. Rocking. It. She has grown a fondness of classic “Scumbag” style men’s cuts, and has gotten quite handy with a straight blade. She loves this industry, and it shows in her work. Her giggle is adorable, and she can joke and banter with the rest of them. She is diabetic, so it is fun for all of us to get to poke her with her insulin after lunch. Kayla’s chair is nothing short of a good time. You will fall in love with our little Blondie just as quickly as we have!
Posted on Sep 03, 2014
There is a certain value we place on traditional trades. Unfortunately in this day and age they are hard to find. We are fixi’n to bring them back. The plan has been in the works, for a little while now to open a Traditional Barbershop. The pieces fell together, and the plans were solidified! We are hoping for the end of September, however we have learned not to set a date in stone. We will keep you all updated, but for now, we are LOOKING FOR BARBERS!
If you know any barbers who want to bring it back to the way things used to be, or anyone who is seriously interested in becoming a barber, give us a call at 733-4247.
Parting With Our Spa // A Moment of Honesty
Posted on Jun 24, 2014
We love what we do here. We are loud, we are enthusiastic, some may call us a circus, or crazy, but we’d have it no other way. We love a challenge, and our employees have deep seeded passion for what they do. It is in our nature, as artists to get wild ideas. Some are good, some not so good. We respect our clients, each other, and ourselves enough to stay honest, and to realize when an idea is great, when an idea is not so great, when to push forward, and when to let some things go.
We are hair people. We are makeup artists. For the last year and a half, it has been amazing being able to offer our guests and friends a relaxing oasis for massage therapy and nail services, but something about it just doesn’t fit with the salon environment we’ve created. We are too loud. We are too high energy. We like to yell, and laugh, and on occasion sing Christmas songs at the top of our lungs in the hallway or drop piñatas from the second floor balcony. The fact is spa services are sensitive. They require quiet, they require calm, they require slow, tranquil music with bird calls and waterfalls – we prefer rock and roll. It’s just not who we are.
So with that, we’ve decided to let go of the spa. Get back to our “roots” so to speak, and focus on what we are truly great at — what we have always been great at: hair and makeup.
We aren’t sad or disappointed that our spa didn’t work out, so no condolences necessary. We are excited to concentrate on what we truly love, prepare for new endeavors, reflect on the experience and be thankful for knowledge we’ve gained this past year and a half.
We have a clearer picture of what we want from this industry, where we stand in this industry, and who we are as a team and a salon. We thought bigger was better. But for us, it simply is not. We are continuously evolving, and figuring out who we want to be as artists and what kind of business we want to be. Some things work out, some things just don’t, and trial by fire seems to be the Chaos way!
June 30th will be the last day we are offering spa services. After that we will be cleaning up, and letting it go. So, thank you to everyone who worked in our spa, visited our spa, and enjoyed our spa services this past year. Your support is much appreciated and as always, we look forward to continue to provide great hair and makeup services for you all. It’s been wonderful, but it’s time to leave this stage behind, prepare for exciting things in the future, and get back to what we truly love – hair.
It’s Art Walk Season!
Posted on Jun 10, 2014
‘Tis the season once again for ART WALKS! We are super excited about our line up this summer. We have pulled some amazing local talent with an array of different styles of art and music to perform live right here in the salon. From 6-9 pm on the 3rd Friday of June, July, August, and September you can come to the shop (for free) and enjoy some live music and local art. Some of our artists will be giving away free pieces to some lucky participants, but over all it is a great time had by all. Think of it as a Gallery/Concert night in the salon! Each Artist is paired with a Band complimenting each other’s genre. This year is a little bigger than we’ve done in the past, with an anticipation of a pretty great turn out! Come hang out with us and see some Live Music & Art!
Posted on May 06, 2014
Well folks, another photo challenge in the books! This time each stylist was to pick an “element” out of a hat, and create a hair and makeup style and wardrobe (along with a simple background) that embodied that element. Our intention was to keep it simple this time around. We usually like to go over the top with some of these challenges, it lets our stylists break out of their shell and create looks that they ordinarily wouldn’t be able to do on a day to day basis. This shoot however, is a reminder for all of us that sometimes the best creative outlet is something simple. This time around we are doing things a little different and revealing the stylist behind the photo right away. Click on the photo you like the best, and it will direct you to our Facebook page… then simply “like” it!
Wind: Angel
Stone: Jillian
Water: Tobin
Fire: Sarah
Metal: Julia
Smoke: Kate
Photos By // Tobin & Jess
Sneak Peek // Challenge
Posted on Apr 09, 2014
Well, other than NO GOOD, we’ve been up to A LOT around these parts this winter! We shot our newest Stylist Challenge: ELEMENTS last week and are SOOO excited about it we thought we’d give you all a sneak peek!
Yes, this is one of our models in a bath tub filled with milk… Check back MAY 1st to see the Finished Looks!