It’s absolute chaos!
Follow along with our antics, photos, events and news.
Equality Pricing
Posted on Jul 08, 2020
Shear Chaos Hair Parlour is pleased to announce that beginning July 1, 2020, marking our 10th year in business, that we’re doing away with the old, and implementing a completely gender-free pricing structure.
Haircuts will start at $33 an hour.
Not a men’s haircut.
Not a woman’s haircut.
Just one phenomenal haircut experience.
We will still have the same great services available, but without the gender-based price discrimination that is so pervasive in our industry. You will always leave looking amazing and feeling like family.
When you get a professional service, it shouldn’t cost more because of your gender identity. It wouldn’t be appropriate at your doctors office, and it’s not appropriate for your salon. So we’re getting rid of it!
We love this community dearly, and believe that this is an important way forward to actual equality; so we’re practicing what we preach.
At Shear Chaos, hair has no gender.
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit of ‘extra’”
To Our Frontline Heroes
Posted on Apr 02, 2020
In this time of uncertainty and isolation, we at Shear Chaos want to express our gratitude to all of you on the front lines of the pandemic. You put yourselves at risk every day to keep us safe, healthy, supplied, and informed. We salute each of you for your compassion, courage, and dedication to the greater good.
Chaos on the Farm
Posted on Aug 16, 2018
As most know Jilly was born and raised “Farm Girl”. As we were brainstorming ideas for our next creative shoot the idea of The Campbell Homestead was unanimous.The looks the team is showcasing are undone, longer textured styles with a vintage gypsy style.
Huge shoutout to Joseph and Cynthia Campbell for allowing the Chaos Crew to takeover the farm for the day.
The Amazing talent- Collin, Macy, Joe, Peter, and Kurt.
Photographer Tobin Campbell
Hair/Makeup Tobin, Jillian, Nicole, Marcus, and Jordan.
Thank you AJ Miller of ReVivalist Vintage and Monica of Beatnik Bettys for letting us raid your wardrobe.
Enjoy The Collection!
-The Chaos Crew
Are You Excited For Halloween As Much As We Are?
Posted on Oct 04, 2016
Through the eerie night skies, we bring you our latest All Hallows’ Eve photo series.
We brewed inspiration from one of our favorite film directors. May you dare to guess who? So please enjoy this series of your very own Shear Chaos crew! Hope your as excited for this season as we are!